Tag Archives: witchcraft

Ideologically Grooming Kids in Schools

Parents, grandparents and Christian leaders must understand how morally and intellectually unmoored activists are corrupting our children. Many of these activists are teaching our children in our government schools. They propagandize in many ways, including through literature, direct instruction, and demagoguery. They propagate highly controversial beliefs without telling young students that the “explanations” are controversial, disputed, pagan-based, and devoid of scientific support.
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“Hail Satan”: After Terrorizing Churches, BLM Witchcraft Exposed

There is now proof that there are very dark forces behind Black Lives Matter, and it’s not just the blatant Marxism of its founders and leaders. The darkness literally includes summoning dead spirits and allowing them to work through BLM leaders. Sound crazy? BLM bosses admit it.

Clues about the true nature of BLM have been available for quite some time. Last month, Black Lives Matter activists terrorized church attendees in Troy, New York, while chanting “hail Satan.” They even shrieked at black families and young mothers trying to get in the building. Just this week in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a

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The Ghastly Practices of Planned Parenthood

Truth is not only stranger than fiction. Truth is also more disturbing than fiction. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the abortion industry, where baby parts are meticulously collected and systemically labeled for immediate, profitable sale. Not only so, but all this takes place without the knowledge of the mother, who recovers in a waiting room nearby. And, if the reports are accurate, some of the slicing and dicing is done while the baby is still alive.
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