Tag Archives: United Kingdom

The Outrageous Case of Alfie Evans

I am stunned.  I thought that I have been reasonably attentive to trends in British jurisprudence in recent years.  Through the long, dark night of Britain's subordination to the diktats of Brussels and the less-than-Anglo-Saxon notions that pass for "human rights" in the courts of the European Union, I had thought that British courts, including the still-young Supreme Court of the United Kingdom that has succeeded the House of Lords in serving as Britain's court of last resort, were still going about the business of vindicating "the rights of Englishmen."  Apparently not;  at least if the Englishman is not yet quite two years old.
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When Government Controls the Health Care System, This is Inevitable

This picture (above) is hard for me to look at. I’ve got a one-year-old girl – and I cannot imagine what I would do if she had a life threatening illness, and the government told me I couldn’t do everything possible to save her.

If you haven’t seen this story, the picture above is of Charlie Gard. Charlie and his parents live in the UK, and he has a form of mitochondrial disease, a genetic condition that causes progressive muscle weakness and brain damage.

Charlie’s chances of surviving this disease are slim. However there is a treatment option available …

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