Tag Archives: The Center for Medical Progress

You Know It When You See It

It’s dangerous to paint with a broad brush. I think we do that too often when we, as conservatives, go after the press for media bias. Many times when I see conservative leaders decry media bias, I ask “was that a biased story, or were you just unprepared for the interview?”

Now that’s not to say media bias isn’t real – everyone knows that the majority of the press comes from a liberal perspective.  Even CNN’s Jake Tapper has admitted that media bias is real, and Mark Leibovich of the New York Times agrees that most of the media …

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‘They Want Cardiac, or They Want Eyes, or They Want Neural’

The Center for Medical Progress unveiled a new video showcasing conversations with three high-level officials with Planned Parenthood Federation of America: Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, Senior Medical Advisor for PPFA; Dr. Vanessa Cullins, Vice President for External Medical Affairs for PPFA; and Deborah VanDerhei, National Director for the Consortium of Abortion Providers (CAPS) at PPFA.
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Go in Through the Fetus’ Face

Do not avert your eyes from the sickening, sanitized savagery that Planned Parenthood and the U.S. government through law and subsidies perpetrates against weak, vulnerable, innocent humans—and then rationalize.

In the 7th video exposé of Planned Feticide Federation of America and the attendant filthy fetal tissue procurement business, phlebotomist Holly O’Donnell describes the day she participated in the mutilation of an aborted baby, whose stilled heart was jumpstarted by a ghoulish fetal tissue procurement technician (Jessica), who says, “Hey, Holly, come over here. I want you to see something kinda cool. It’s kinda neat.”

O’Donnell recounts how her colleague …

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