Tag Archives: SB 3499

Speak Out Against the Legalization of Assisted Suicide in Illinois

With the primary elections now behind us, our attention once again is focused on the Illinois General Assembly and a slew of pending bills that are decidedly anti-family. At the top of our list is SB 3499, the so-called “End-of-Life Options for Terminally Ill Patients Act.” This attempt to legalize assisted suicide is euphemistically referred to as “Death with Dignity”— don't be deceived by the spin.
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Priorities Amiss

It is hard to believe, but in this General Assembly session, State Senators Linda Holmes (D-Aurora) and Laura Fine (D-Glenview) have introduced legislation to legalize assisted suicide in Illinois (SB 3499). At the same time, their colleague, State Senator Mike Simmons (D-Chicago), has sponsored legislation (SB 3792) to make it illegal for animal shelters to euthanize dogs and cats.
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