Tag Archives: Republican National Committee

The GOP’s Shameful “Pride Coalition”

The Republican National Committee announced its first ever “RNC Pride Coalition” over the weekend, partnering with the Log Cabin Republicans elected ideological kinds of Republicans—the kind that reject orthodox Judeo-Christian morality regarding sexuality. This despite the fact that this partnership violates the GOP Platform, which has long opposed LGBTQ activism.
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Jared Kushner: Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing Hovering Too Near Trump

In an alarming May 24, 2020 article titled “Scoop: Inside the Secret Talks to Overhaul the GOP Platform,” published by Axios, political reporter Jonathan Swan exposed the behind-the-scenes efforts of the socially liberal son-in-law of President Trump, Jared Kushner, to change the GOP platform so that it reflects Democrat views. While the radical overhaul of the GOP platform—and, therefore, the GOP—is the brainless-child of Kushner, the nitty gritty of the subversive project has been assigned to Bill Stepien, second in command for Trump’s re-election campaign, just under Brad Parscale.

According to Swan, Kushner has been …

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