Tag Archives: Religious Liberty

Catholic Leaders Take Legal Action Over Risk of Losing Foster Care Services

Catholic Charities in Illinois Seek Remedy for Best Interests of Children, Families

(SPRINGFIELD, IL) Leaders of three Catholic dioceses – the Diocese of Springfield in Illinois, Peoria and Joliet – took legal action today as their charities fight to continue their work in serving the best interests of thousands of needy children and families throughout the state.

In March of this year, the Attorney General’s office issued a letter stating that the office “received notice that Catholic Charities … discriminates against Illinois citizens based on race, marital status and sexual orientation” in the provision of …

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Catholic Citizens of Illinois Commends Action Taken by Rockford Diocese

Because of the Illinois legislature’s failure to enact an explicit amendment to the new Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act, Catholic Citizens of Illinois commends the action taken by the Diocese of Rockford to discontinue offering state-funded adoption and foster care services. See:http://www.rockforddiocese.org/

Frank Vonch, director of the Rockford Catholic Charities stated, “The agency is being forced to opt out of contracting with the State of Illinois for these services because of the Illinois legislature’s failure to enact an explicit amendment to the new Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Unions Act. The failed Amendment would …

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Judge Finds Christians Have a Right to Share Their Faith at Public Street Festival

Mauck & Baker attorneys obtain summary judgment on the unconstitutionality of the City of Chicago’s policy.

CHICAGO – On May 31, 2011, Pastor Frank Teesdale and his attorneys at Mauck & Baker, LLC, received the good news from the United States District Court that Federal Judge William T. Hart had found the City of Chicago’s policy on religious leafleting and street evangelism at a Chicago street festival to be unconstitutional. Pastor Teesdale and nine other members of Garfield Ridge Baptist Church can now freely move about the public streets and share their faith in Jesus with others at the …

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Dan Proft Explains How Special Homosexual “Rights” Laws Diminish Religious Freedom

Conservative radio host and a former republican candidate for Illinois governor Dan Proft debated homosexual activist Anthony Martinez of The Civil Rights Agenda about gay “rights” and civil unions last night on FOX Chicago News:



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Major Religious Freedom Case to be Argued Monday

Kelly Shackelford, head of the pro-family Free Market Foundation in Texas says a case to be argued next Monday is “the biggest case in the country on religious freedom.” Government officials are arguing that elementary school students have NO First Amendment rights, therefore allowing religious discrimination against them.

This case would immediately impact 41 million students nationwide, and because of the gravity of the case, both Kenneth Starr, judge and former special prosecutor, and Paul Clement, former solicitor general under President George W. Bush, have joined the team defending the rights of students.

The case, Morgan

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Homosexual Activists Go After Illinois Religious Organizations

Homosexual activists emboldened by Illinois’ civil union law are attempting to force Christian agencies that receive state funds to license foster families either to place children with homosexuals or lose state funding, which would jeopardize the placements of thousands of children.

The Chicago Tribune reports that Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan, Gov. Pat Quinn and the Department of Children and Family Services are investigating these Christian foster care agencies for discrimination because of their religiously based decisions not to place children in the homes of homosexual partners.

If homosexuals were centrally concerned for the welfare of children, they would …

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Manhattan Declaration App Pulled by Apple

Last week Apple removed the Manhattan Declaration iPhone/iPad application from the iTunes Store. This was apparently done in response to small, but vocal group of people who complained that the declaration amounts to hate speech for its stance against homosexual so-called “marriage.”

An article by the Christian Post defines the Manhattan Declaration well:

The Manhattan Declaration was unveiled last November, outlining principles that uphold the sanctity of life, the historic understanding of marriage, and religious liberty.

It was drafted by Dr. Timothy George of Samford University, evangelical leader Chuck Colson, and Dr. Robert George of Princeton University who were concerned

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Congress Returns to Work & ENDA Is on the Agenda

Homosexual activists are again pushing radical legislation known as the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) — H.R. 2981 & S. 1584. It has already been introduced in both the U.S. House and the U.S. Senate and is currently in committee. President Barack Obama is on record supporting ENDA.

Take ACTION: Please contact your Congressman and ask him/her to vote NO on ENDA. You can also call your U.S. Representative and U.S. Senators at (202) 225-3121 and provide your zip code to be connected to your House member’s office.

Co-sponsors from Illinois are U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D), Roland Burris (D) …

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“Hate Crimes” Bill Moves to U.S. Senate

On April 29th, the U.S. House of Representatives approved and passed H.R. 1913 by a 249-175 vote. The “Hate Crimes” bill, if signed into law, would allow courts to prosecute any crime “motivated by prejudice” against protected characteristics, which include “sexual orientation” and “gender identity.”

Take ACTION: 1.) Download this half-sheet flyer and distribute it to everyone you know in Illinois, including your church. 2.) Contact U.S. Senators, Dick Durbin and Roland Burris.

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) has defined the broad term of “sexual orientation” to include bestiality, pedophilia *, incest, and “gender identity” disorder among 547

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