Tag Archives: polygamy
Polyamory and the ‘Next Sexual Revolution’ That Has Been Here for Years
The Majority Does Not Determine Morality
It’s always nice to be able to point to the polls when they support your position. But polling, when done accurately, does nothing more than tell you what other people think. And just because you have the majority on your side doesn’t mean you are right. In fact, when it comes to morality, the majority is often at odds with the Bible, which sets the standard of morality for practicing Christians.
But this should come as no surprise.
After all, Jesus famously said, “Enter by the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the way is easy that leads …
Immediate Calls for the Further Unraveling of Marriage
One day after the [Obergerfell v. Hodges] ruling, I received a press release from Pro-Polygamy.com one of the largest Polygamy groups east of the Mississippi, located in Maine. Their slogan is “Polygamy: The Next Civil Rights Battle.” Last Sunday they followed up with another release of an editorial. Both items complain, “all that Kennedy declared about the importance of marriage to those who choose same sex marriage (SSM) equally applies to others who choose unrelated consenting adult polygamy (UCAP).”
Mark Henkle of Pro-Polygamy states, “for UCAPs, only one obstacle to freedom remains to be overcome – …