Tag Archives: overpopulation
The New Demographic Winter
The world is quickly becoming over-populated. There is not enough water, food, fuel or other natural resources to sustain us all. We will soon be faced with a “survival of the fittest” class struggle, as the “have-nots” contend with the “haves” for land and property rights, in an attempt to stay alive during the coming economic apocalypse that ensues. Billions will starve to death (or worse) as every blade of grass is consumed by the ever-encroaching urban sprawl and demand for limited services.
At least this is the neo-Marxist narrative the socialist / globalist journalist, politicians and educrats want you …
Posted in Islam & Sharia, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life
Tagged An Essay on the Principle of Population as It Affects the Future Improvement of Society, Birth Control Review, Birth rate, Charles Darwin, Demographic Winter, eugenics, Margaret Sanger, On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection, overpopulation, Paul Ehrlich, Planned Parenthood, Roe v. Wade, The Population Bomb, Thomas Malthus, zero population
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Population Control Isn’t the Answer
Overpopulation. From its usage in Thomas Malthus’s notorious 1798 “Essay on the Principle of Population” to its resurgence in Paul Ehrlich’s 1960 “The Population Bomb,” the word invokes images of a bleak, hopeless future. As the story goes, the ever-increasing birth rate triggers rampant food shortages and systemic resource deprivation, culminating with the human race extinguishing itself. Ehrlich went as far to predict an imminent cataclysm: “England will not exist in the year 2000.”
Posted in Sanctity of Life
Tagged Alexandra Desanctis, Buck v. Bell, Emmanuel Macron, Essay on the Principle of Population, Jill Filipovic, Oliver Wendell Holmes, overpopulation, Paul Ehrlich, The Population Bomb, Thomas Malthus, Walter E. WIlliams
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