Tag Archives: Oprah

Final Thoughts on School Walkout

You probably heard ad nauseum the laughable claimed that the March for Our Lives-sponsored National School Walkout was not a “left/right” event. Well, there's a reason that Leftists like Oprah and George Clooney donated half a million dollars to the walkout. There's a reason that Leftists in Congress walked out to join teens—I mean, in addition to virtue-signaling and getting their faces in the press. There's a reason that Leftists on CNN and MSNBC didn't merely report the story but fawned all over the teens who spouted stuff while actually knowing little...
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PODCAST: My Final Thoughts on the School Walkout

You probably heard ad nauseum the laughable claimed that the March for Our Lives-sponsored National School Walkout was not a “left/right” event. Well, there's a reason that Leftists like Oprah and George Clooney donated half a million dollars to the walkout. There's a reason that Leftists in Congress walked out to join teens—I mean, in addition to virtue-signaling and getting their faces in the press. There's a reason that Leftists on CNN and MSNBC didn't merely report the story but fawned all over the ignorant teens who spout stuff while actually knowing little...
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Self-Marriage: When Fools Marry Fools

The legal recognition of homoerotic unions as marriages goes by many names. Professor Anthony Esolen calls it “pseudogamy,’ and Pastor Doug Wilson calls it “same-sex mirage.” Whatever you call it, don’t call it marriage because it ain’t.
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The High Priestess of the New Age Movement

When most Americans hear the term “New Age” they might think of a little boutique that sells cotton caftans, CDs of sitar music, and multicolored assortments of crystals. It all seems to point to dubious fashion sense and outdated home decor, but nothing ominous, nothing harmful. Yet, in reality, the New Age movement has had a serious negative impact on many unsuspecting people.

People who have never set foot inside a New Age store, people who would laugh at the thought of pretty rocks containing healing powers — these same people are enthusiastically and blindly embracing dangerous New Age philosophies, …

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