Tag Archives: Oprah Winfrey
U.S. Senator Tom Cotton Calls Out 1619 Project for Revisionism
The 1619 Project has been controversial since its publication by the New York Times a year ago. While many on the left have praised it, with Oprah Winfrey even announcing plans to adapt the project into a television series, historians and those on the right have noted errors and call the collection of essays and poems revisionist history. Now, U.S. Senator Tom Cotton (R-AR) has proposed a bill seeking to ban public schools from teaching it as part of their curriculum.
While the project acknowledges the founding of the United States as taking place in 1776, it seeks “to reframe …
Having a Merry Pagan Christmas
New York Times columnist Ross Douthat says the culture war in America may not be so much about secularism or atheism replacing Christianity but the rise of an old Christian foe – paganism.
This ancient religion differs from atheism in that it allows for a spiritual dimension to life and creation, but not an omnipotent, benevolent God. The power is in the creation itself, which is why so many New Age adherents find divinity when they look at a sunset, a flower, or in some cases, their own mirror image.
Mr. Douthat explains the clash of worldviews presented in a …
Oprah Shouts for Abortion
Identity Politics and Paraphilias: More from ‘Public Discourse’ & Autassassinophilia
Last time we covered two recent articles from Public Discourse — here are brief excerpts from three more.
The first is from Ryan T. Anderson — note the important introduction following the title:
How to Think About Discrimination: Race, Sex, and SOGI
Sexual orientation and gender identity (SOGI) antidiscrimination laws are unjustified, but if other policies are adopted to address the mistreatment of people who identify as LGBT, they must leave people free to engage in legitimate actions based on the conviction that we are created male and female and that male and female are created for each other.
Here …