Tag Archives: Oprah

Final Thoughts on School Walkout

You probably heard ad nauseum the laughable claimed that the March for Our Lives-sponsored National School Walkout was not a “left/right” event. Well, there's a reason that Leftists like Oprah and George Clooney donated half a million dollars to the walkout. There's a reason that Leftists in Congress walked out to join teens—I mean, in addition to virtue-signaling and getting their faces in the press. There's a reason that Leftists on CNN and MSNBC didn't merely report the story but fawned all over the teens who spouted stuff while actually knowing little...
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PODCAST: My Final Thoughts on the School Walkout

You probably heard ad nauseum the laughable claimed that the March for Our Lives-sponsored National School Walkout was not a “left/right” event. Well, there's a reason that Leftists like Oprah and George Clooney donated half a million dollars to the walkout. There's a reason that Leftists in Congress walked out to join teens—I mean, in addition to virtue-signaling and getting their faces in the press. There's a reason that Leftists on CNN and MSNBC didn't merely report the story but fawned all over the ignorant teens who spout stuff while actually knowing little...
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Self-Marriage: When Fools Marry Fools

The legal recognition of homoerotic unions as marriages goes by many names. Professor Anthony Esolen calls it “pseudogamy,’ and Pastor Doug Wilson calls it “same-sex mirage.” Whatever you call it, don’t call it marriage because it ain’t.
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