Tag Archives: mcdonald’s

McDonald’s Chooses Porn Free Wi-Fi

A fast-food restaurant has started blocking Internet pornography from its Wi-Fi-enabled restaurants while a second chain is refusing to do so.

McDonald’s has been lobbied for nearly two years to block Internet pornography in its restaurants and has finally done so according to pro-family group Enough is Enough.

Enough is Enough lobbied both McDonald’s and Starbucks but so far only McDonald’s has made the decision to block porn from public view.

Starbucks signEnough spokeswoman Donna Rice Hughes says McDonald’s first started filtering Internet porn in company-owned restaurants then expanded that ban to franchises.

“And now there are over 14,000 McDonald’s …

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Campaign to Filter Porn from Wi-Fi Networks Gains Headway

A campaign to convince Starbucks and McDonald's to filter pornography out of their Wi-Fi systems is gaining momentum.
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IFI Joins Multi-Group Press Conference to Address McDonalds’ Selective “Diversity” Policy

The McDonald’s Corporation has recently joined and contributed $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce, a radical homosexual activist organization working toward homosexual “marriage.” In so doing, McDonald’s has taken a public position on a very divisive issue– a position with which the majority of Americans disagree.

The Illinois Family Institute (IFI) believes that McDonald’s vigorous support of the NGLCC undermines essential societal institutions– particularly, the natural family– while violating the deeply held convictions of many. Through both funding and corporate policies, McDonald’s affirms and supports radical and culturally divisive anti-family principles.

In a recent letter, McDonald’s …

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