Tag Archives: Damon Linker

Incest and Pedophilia Comin’ to Town

Many cultural critics argued that widespread approval of homoerotic acts and the legal revision of marriage to include non-marital relationships would inevitably lead to the erasure of other cultural taboos, specifically, taboos against plural relationships, consensual adult incest, and adult-minor sex, including pedophilia. Those critics who so warned were mocked by the scoffers who came following their own evil desires. “What rubes, paranoiacs, and bad thinkers,” screeched the scoffers. “Those are fearmongering, fallacious slippery slope, stupid arguments,” pontificated those with evil desires and strategies to match. But, once again, conservative critics were right.

The pro-poly movement is growing. News about …

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Leftists Canceling and Cannibalizing Their Own

In their pursuit of replacing culture with anti-culture, the spanking new 21st Century culture Reformers are going to be very busy. Rather than nailing 95 theses on a church door, they're going to tear down 950,000 monuments and place names honoring imperfect and altogether yucky colorless people and replace them I guess with the names of perfect colorful people.
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