Tag Archives: contraceptive mandate

Religious Freedom for the Long-Term

The Trump administration is apparently trying to right the wrongs imposed by the Affordable Care Act on faith-based organizations, but there's another needed protection the administration cannot provide.
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High Court Revisits Abortion Rx Mandate

The Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) will revisit the legality of the Obama Administration’s contraceptive and abortion drug mandate in a crucial case this coming term.

SCOTUS announced last Friday that it will hear another challenge to the mandate filed by various religious groups, including the Catholic religious order The Little Sisters of the Poor.

Under the mandate, all health insurance policies issued in the United States must include coverage of abortifacient drugs and devices such as Ella and Plan B without co-pays or deductibles.

Ella and Plan B and the like are often marketed as “morning-after pills,” …

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