Tag Archives: Church Attendance

Shrinking Number of Americans Say Couples Who Have Children Together Should Marry

A recent Gallup survey found that just 29 percent of Americans believe it is very important for a couple who has children together to be married, down from 49 percent in 2006. The survey also found that only 38 percent of Americans said that it is very important for a couple that plans to stay together for the rest of their lives to be married — a disparity that indicates a shift in how Americans think about marriage and family, with fewer Americans seeing the two as going hand in hand.
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Are Divorce Rates the Same Among Christians and Non-Christians?

One of the often-cited claims that seems to have taken hold is that the divorce rate in the church is the same as outside of the church. Yet, is this really true? The claim overlooks what the research really says about church attendance and its impact upon both marriage and divorce rates.

Marriage and church attendance have been falling in America as rates of cohabitation and out of wedlock births have increased over the last 50 years. The decline of religion and marriage have received a lot of attention, but the link between the two has sometimes been overlooked.

Christianity …

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Study: Church Attendance is Trending Down

A recent Barna Survey said church attendance has been declining nationwide over the past 10 years. While the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose area ranked as America's most de-churched, eight of the top 10 "post-Christian" cities in America are all in the Northeastern United States. In Illinois, Chicago came in at number 19, the Quad-cities area at 50 and Champaign-Springfield-Decatur in the center of the state came in at 55 on this ominous list.
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A Stronger Remnant?  Faith is Far from Dead in America

Last week there was another proclamation of the death of Christianity in America with a new Pew Research Center study on religious practices in America.   The talking points from the study noted the rise of atheism as many commentators said that Americans are “turning their backs on religion.”

Certainly there were some disheartening findings in the study, but it was also a glass half full or half empty perspective. For example of the 51 percent who say that they regularly attend church, 23 percent say that they have always been regular attendees.  However, 27 percent say that they are attending

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