Tag Archives: Chicago casino

Chicago CasiNO!?

On February 28th, the Illinois Senate passed SB 7 - a massive gambling bill - by a vote of 31-26. Yet for lawmakers with an insatiable hunger for revenue at the expense of well-documented social costs, it wasn't enough. Yesterday, the Illinois Senate passed an amended version of SB 7 to exploit even more citizens, by a vote of 33-24 with 1 voting present. (See roll call chart below.)
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Counterpoint: A Chicago Casino Would Take Money Fom Illinois Residents

Remember when Illinois politicians told us revenue from riverboat casinos would come from out-of-state residents? Then surrounding states built casinos to compete with Illinois. Many of the same companies owned casinos in both states and profited from the expansion.

Now politicians, who are looking for more revenue to pay mounting bills, pension obligations and budget shortfalls, want a massive expansion of casino gambling.  This time, however, Illinois residents will be targeted to gamble and lose their money.

While some want to capture the money Illinois residents are losing in other states, a casino in Chicago will create more gamblers with …

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