Tag Archives: casino

Worth the Gamble?

It was 1995 and I was hosting an afternoon talk show in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. A buzz had formed around an announcement that the Pittsburgh mayor had planned to conduct a feasibility study of proposed riverboat gambling on the city's three rivers. This study would generate estimates of how many outsiders would travel to Pittsburgh to gamble.
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Chicago CasiNO!?

On February 28th, the Illinois Senate passed SB 7 - a massive gambling bill - by a vote of 31-26. Yet for lawmakers with an insatiable hunger for revenue at the expense of well-documented social costs, it wasn't enough. Yesterday, the Illinois Senate passed an amended version of SB 7 to exploit even more citizens, by a vote of 33-24 with 1 voting present. (See roll call chart below.)
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A Good Way to Wreck a Local Economy: Build Casinos

Baltimore is a troubled city, as you know from The Wire. Like many troubled cities, Baltimore has turned to casino gambling as its solution. On August 26, a new Caesar’s casino will open on the site of an old chemical factory, a little more than 2 miles from the famous Inner Harbor and Camden Yards baseball stadium. Yet there’s already reason to expect the casino to disappoint everyone involved
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Gambling is No Revenue Generator

Gambling revenue promises are rarely met. Gambling interests are pushing for a vote on a massive expansion bill during the final days of the legislative session. SB 1849 legalizes 11 more casinos, including a city-owned casino in Chicago and six racetrack casinos.

During the past 21 years, legislators have legalized riverboat gambling, off-track betting, dockside gambling, advanced deposit wagering, Internet lottery and video gambling. With all that gambling revenue coming in, why does the state have such a large backlog of unpaid bills?

There would be little concern about how much gambling we have in Illinois if it were not …

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Contact State Lawmakers and Urge NO Vote on Expansion of Predatory Gambling

With two weeks to go in the Spring Session of the Illinois General Assembly, our state lawmakers need to hear from their constituents. Make no mistake, your state representative and state senator are hearing from dozens of pro-gambling lobbyists, who are putting on a full court press in these final days of the Session. Every lawmaker needs to hear from dozens and dozens of people back home in their districts.
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