Tag Archives: Cannabis Control Act

Cannabis Myths Exposed

I retired after three decades as a prosecutor. While in the Cook County State’s Attorney’s Office, I drafted a training manual called Narcotics Law which was later used in the office as a manual for Assistant States Attorneys for over a decade and years after I retired. After I retired I have defended people accused of violating the Cannabis Control Act. Knowing how the system really works, I can dispel several cannabis myths.
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These Bills Will Put More Impaired Drivers on the Roads

Contact Your Lawmakers to Oppose HB 4357 & SB 2228!

Children at Risk

State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago) has introduced HB 4357 in the Illinois House and State Senator Heather Steans has introduced SB 2228 in the Illinois Senate. Both bills would decriminalize marijuana, giving tacit consent to using and dealing, especially to children.

Under HB 4357 and SB 2228 possessing more than 10 grams of marijuana (25 joints) carries a mere $100 to $200 fine and a Civil Law Violation. There is no limit to the number of Civil Law Violations a person can receive, and in addition, their

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