Tag Archives: Angie Leventis Lourgos

Illinois’ Pro-Human Slaughter Devotees Help Out-of-State Abortion Seekers

It’s hard to fathom that for some people, facilitating human slaughter is the animating purpose of their lives. For some, ensuring that women are legally free to slaughter their own offspring is what gives their lives meaning. And unfortunately, many of them live in Illinois, thereby ensuring that the Illinois swamp is filled with not just fetid excrement coming from Springfield and the governor’s mansion but also with the blood of human fetuses.
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Chicago Tribune: Shill for Human Slaughter

In an 804-word news article appearing in the Chicago Tribune on Friday, Jan. 10, the day before the March for Life, “reporter” Angie Leventis Lourgos provided these scant details about the event...
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Illinois: Safe Haven for Abortionists, Killing Zone for the Unborn

On Friday, July 14, the Chicago Tribune published an article by Angie Leventis Lourgos titled, “‘My last resort’ — thousands come to Illinois to have abortions.” Never have I read a more stunning example of Isaiah 5:20. The stories told in the article, coupled with the story told in the accompanying video, are wholly, viscerally repugnant.
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