Tag Archives: Accuracy in Media
Global Warming Crop Apocalypse Is Just Media Fear-Mongering
Global warming alarmists and their media allies launched a new scare last week, claiming that global warming is causing crop failures and food shortages around the globe. In one of their biggest whoppers ever, the media are claiming that global warming has displaced "millions" of farmers in India and is causing – or will soon cause – similar devastation to farmers and crops in Bangladesh, Syria, and Honduras. Objective evidence, however, decimates the assertion and shows that crop yields continue to set annual records as growing seasons lengthen, frost events become less frequent, soil moisture improves, and more atmospheric carbon dioxide fertilizes crops and plant life.
Posted in Media Watch
Tagged Accuracy in Media, Climate change, Global Warming, Global warming alarmists
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Colonel Allen West on The Military, Foreign Affairs and School Choice
In an interview posted at the Accuracy in Media website, Colonel Allen West delivers what conservatives have come to expect from him since his arrival on the national political scene back in 2010 when he was elected to Congress from Florida.
Posted in Education, Fundraiser
Tagged Accuracy in Media, Allen West, conservatism, Fox News Channel, Military Readiness, School Choice
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