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Laurie’s Chinwags are podcasts of her articles and are part of our new effort to provide IFI subscribers with another way to access information and ideas. We will be making these podcasts available for her new articles as well as select articles from the past on topics of pressing importance. The primary focus of these podcasts is sexuality, particularly how leftist views of sexuality harm the public good.

Laurie examines the flaws in the specious secular arguments used to normalize homosexuality and “gender” confusion and which confuse, deceive, and even persuade Americans. She looks at how these flawed arguments harm individuals, families, marriage, and education. We call these discussions “chinwags” in the hope that listeners will figuratively chat with Laurie as they listen and later will literally chat with neighbors, co-workers, lawmakers, church leaders, friends, and family members on these topics.


“Progressives,” also known as cultural regressives, have long had their sights on the hearts, minds, and bodies of other people’s children. Now that they control Big Government schools, regressives can control the ideas to which children are exposed. And boy,...
On February 26, the website Public Discourse published an article that includes the harrowing accounts of five mothers—one of whom is a lifelong Democrat, another a lesbian—whose daughters experienced Rapid Onset Gender Dysphoria (ROGD). These mothers are certain that the...
Though not required by law, Illinois provides a program of benefits called Medicaid Presumptive Eligibility(MPE). MPE “offers immediate, temporary coverage for outpatient healthcare for pregnant women…. There are no co-payments or premiums in MPE.” MPE, which takes effect immediately and...
To fulfill Governor J.B. Pritzker’s dream to make Illinois a slaughterhouse extraordinaire, that ever-reliable instigator of moral mayhem, State Representative Kelly Cassidy (D-Chicago), has sponsored an abortion bill the likes of which would put a twinkle in the eye of...
This warning delivered by the prophet Hosea is true not only regarding knowledge of God’s existence, nature, and purposes but also regarding knowledge of the world in which we live and move and have our being. Right now, the bodies...
A sure sign that leftist lawmakers in Springfield are obsessively driven by the desire to use government money and power to advance an absurd, science-denying ideology is House Bill 922  sponsored by State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia (D-Aurora) that, if...
The intellectually incoherent U.S. Senator Cory Booker (D-NJ) sought to apply an unconstitutional religious test for office today when interrogating nominee to the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals Neomi Rao. Perhaps hoping everyone listening were idiots, he first attempted an...
In a pre-dawn raid on January 27, with virtual guns a’blazing, countless faceless Facebook  Overlords scooped me up and threw me in the slammer. The indictment charged me with “violation of community standards”—very peculiar standards, as I came to learn....
Nothing screams “nasty woman” quite like Virginia lawmaker Kathy Tran’s cold-blooded bill that would legalize de facto infanticide. When asked if her bill would allow the slaughter of a full-term baby during labor, she was forced to publicly admit that...
To be filed in the bulging “ARE YOU KIDDING?!” news folder is a story from the increasingly oppressive United Kingdom. British police recently investigated dock worker and father of four Harry Miller for an alleged “hate incident” for reposting a...
Why, I kept asking myself last week, are so many Americans so livid about Governor Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) signing into law a bill passed jubilantly by the state legislature that makes it possible for women to abort full-term babies. Sure,...
Michelle Grissom, a social studies teacher at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Colorado Springs, Colorado has been put on leave following her horrendous tweets about a Covington Catholic High School student. In her vindictive and indefensible quest to harm a...
Illinois’ newly installed governor, billionaire J.B. Pritzker, looked at the mess that decades of “progressive” rule has made of Illinois and had an epiphany: “OMG, the problem here in Illinois is that it’s not progressive enough!” That set him on...
What do you get when you cross a “non-religious” person with an eco-freak? You get a devotee of human composting. And by that, I don’t mean humans who compost. I mean humans who are turned into compost—after death, of course. Lesbian Katrina Spade has been promoting the eco-friendly composting of human remains since 2014 when she founded the Urban Death Project, since renamed Recomposed. Get it? Composting humans is recast as re-composing them, kind of like re-purposing them. What the new name loses in forthrightness, it gains in marketability.
This past weekend, I contacted a committed Christian friend who is a public middle school administrator in another state to ask if his school mandates that staff, faculty, and administrators use incorrect pronouns when referring to “trans”-identifying students. He responded...
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