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Laurie’s Chinwags are podcasts of her articles and are part of our new effort to provide IFI subscribers with another way to access information and ideas. We will be making these podcasts available for her new articles as well as select articles from the past on topics of pressing importance. The primary focus of these podcasts is sexuality, particularly how leftist views of sexuality harm the public good.

Laurie examines the flaws in the specious secular arguments used to normalize homosexuality and “gender” confusion and which confuse, deceive, and even persuade Americans. She looks at how these flawed arguments harm individuals, families, marriage, and education. We call these discussions “chinwags” in the hope that listeners will figuratively chat with Laurie as they listen and later will literally chat with neighbors, co-workers, lawmakers, church leaders, friends, and family members on these topics.


Mark Vincent Busenbark, a middle-aged man with a cross-dressing alter ego he calls Vica Steel, has been creating intellectual and moral havoc in Frank Allis Elementary School in Madison, Wisconsin for over a year. Last school year, Busenbark, a science...
If you haven’t been called it yet, surely, you’ve heard it: the ubiquitous epithet “transphobe.” It’s the evil spawn of “homophobe.” I don’t mean those accused of being “transphobes” are evil spawns of “homophobes.” I mean the term “transphobe” is...
Last month, two bills were introduced to amend Illinois’ already offensive comprehensive sex ed law: SB 3788, which is sponsored by Illinois State Senators Celina Villanueva (D-Summit) and Laura Fine (D-Glenview), and HB 5012, the chief co-sponsors of...
Illinois’ lesbian lawmaker Kelly Cassidy, arch nemesis of the good, the true, and the beautiful and creator of the worst legislation (e.g., the barbaric Baby Snuff Law) to come out of the fetid swamp in Springfield, and her collaborator...
Yesterday, I shared the stories of two suffering teenage girls who deeply regret having taken testosterone and feel betrayed by the medical community that should have protected them during a time of confusion. Now read the story of a suffering...
Here are just two of the countless unbearable stories of sorrow and regret that the mainstream press doesn’t want to tell. Here are just two of the many nightmarish stories that “gender therapists,” cosmetic surgeons, urologists, endocrinologists, pharmaceutical companies, and...
Well, well, well, the Facebook Overlords were busy censoring even on Sunday. Neither peace nor rest for the wicked, it seems. Sunday, IFI was notified that the Overlords, in their infinite ignorance, had determined that a post written and posted...
In his recent Christianity Today (CT) blog post, New Testament scholar Scot McKnight defends recently retired CT president Mark Galli’s hubristic diktat about the necessity—in Galli’s view—of Trump’s removal from office: Whether Mr. Trump should be removed from office...
The story of an innocent birthday cake that wasn’t and the expulsion of 15-year-old Kayla Kenney from Whitefield Academy, a private Christian school in Louisville, Kentucky, has been covered in multiple news outlets. Kenney’s mother, Kimberly Alford, took a photo...
In an 804-word news article appearing in the Chicago Tribune on Friday, Jan. 10, the day before the March for Life, “reporter” Angie Leventis Lourgos provided these scant details about the event: What: March for Life Chicago march and rally...
“[F]or Precious Brady Davis,
getting her husband pregnant meant going off hormones.” How’s that for a head-scratcher of a quote—a quote that actually appears on the no-longer reputable NBC 5 Chicago “news” website  in a story about two “trans”-cultists who...
School leaders who sexually integrate restrooms and locker rooms know what they’re doing is based on a lie. Why do I say that? First, let’s take a quick look at what’s happening in those schools that choose to sexually integrate...
I’d like to offer a few words about the separation of church and state—a concept long abused by “progressives.” The religion clauses of the First Amendment were intended to protect religion from the intrusive power of the state, not the...
The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington D.C. has a special holiday treat for the kiddies this year: My Fair Lady. Austin Ruse, president of the Center for Family & Human Rights and contributing editor to...
As most breathing people now know, the Hallmark Channel, known for airing movies that families with intact moral compasses can watch with their children, upset its apple cart last week by secretly tossing in a poisoned apple for the kiddies...
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