The Greatest Friend
It should come as no surprise that actor Matthew Perry went to his death as a relatively young 54-year-old on October 28th. A final autopsy is weeks away, but his body had faced demise before. Drugs had taken their toll. Perry survived a coma in 2018 after nearly dying from a gastrointestinal perforation. 
Football in the Blood (Part 2)
It must be terribly difficult to be rich. I wouldn’t know. And with God’s help, I never will. I don’t dream of winning the lottery. I don’t buy tickets. I don’t envy those who win. Or who are wildly successful in their endeavors. Including athletes. Wealth changes people. Often not in a good way. Sudden wealth is worse. The recipient is clueless on spending.
Football In The Blood
Kolby and Keegan Kemp are not among your best known names from the college football ranks. Both played the sport at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois—a school known for excellence on the gridiron and in academics. Moreover, a school steeped in the Christian faith. Kolby played wide receiver for his four years there. Younger brother Keegan was a quarterback and receiver.
The Weapon Taking On Jihad
Never underestimate a heart of hatred. Every day in the news there are acts of unspeakable brutality around our world. Over the last several days, Israel has witnessed again just how deep the work of the Evil One can unfold in a human heart. On Wednesday of this week, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu addressed his nation detailing atrocities that had occurred during the terrorist incursion into Israel last weekend. It wasn’t just killing. It was how people died.
Stuck In The Mud
For those of us who survived the 1960s, we can recall the August 1969 festival known as Woodstock. Billed as “Three Days of Peace and Music,” the anticipated crowd of 50,000 instead grew to somewhere near a half a million people. All trying to survive those three days in less than ideal circumstances. 
Dropping Like Flies
Some phrase origins are hard to pinpoint such as “dropping like flies.”  A story in the May 1902 edition of the Atlanta Constitution might have said it first, “I saw men and women rushing back and forth within the flames. They would run along, then came the choking smoke and they would drop like dead flies.” 
Church Insecurity: Part 2
Let’s face it. The unseen forces of evil are all around us. And because of sin, they always have been. And always will be. Prudence dictates that we don’t allow evil unnecessary opportunities to strike. We cannot be fully protected. But we can act wisely to protect those we love.
Church Insecurity – Part 1
It was a Lifeway Research report earlier this spring that “triggered” my interest on church security. Most of us in the faith community seem to go about our weekly church business not too concerned about safety at our house of worship. Fortunately, others take this quite seriously. Church security is a broader topic than one might think. I recall my membership in a Dallas megachurch in the 1980s where building and parking garage security was a must. Occasional visits from relatively non-threatening types often needed to be escorted from the premises. Even the pastor had a personal security detail present before and after services. Times have changed.
Looney Tunes
Can you name the famed characters of Looney Tunes? Elmer Fudd, Daffy Duck, Barnyard Dawg, Foghorn Leghorn, Sylvester, Yosemite Sam, Porky Pig, etc. And a personal favorite…Bugs Bunny. Their antics were crazy. Even…looney. The word “looney” has an ample number of synonyms. Silly. Stupid. Crazy. Even the softer "strange.” Our world is rampant today with looney-ness.
The Not-So-Shiny Folks
In my basement sits a large, three ring binder. The contents are the handouts provided during a week long "Christian discipleship" course I attended in May of 1970. At the time, it was known as the "Institute in Basic Youth Conflicts." All the sessions were designed and taught by one Bill Gothard.
Why June Bugs Me
Thank goodness it’s over. June. Formerly known as the start of summer, it’s been the time for vacations, picnics, baseball, and beaches. Often, the beginning of air conditioning season. Then came “Pride Month.”
Womb for Compromise? (Part 2)
If a woman decides to abort her child, but chooses to put the child up for adoption using an artificial womb, does that make it a pro-life decision? A challenging question to be sure. The very kind of issue that...
Womb for Compromise? (Part 1)
Americans are big on choice. We can choose restaurants, automobiles, our clothing, and even where to live. We can make good choices and bad choices. Our prisons are packed with those who’ve chosen the wrong path. Leaders in government often make us wonder, “What were they thinking?” One of the saddest of choices millions of Americans have made is the decision to terminate a human life through abortion. In bizarre fashion, we even call this a “pro-choice” decision. Frightening.
Farewell, My Little Friend
March 22nd was a very difficult day for me. It has taken some time for me to even be able to write meaningfully about the “event” of that day. We bade a not-so-fond-farewell to our treasured rat terrier, Pepito. My buddy. My blessed companion. He needed to go. His last days were very difficult. He died in my arms. And I wept.
A Love Like No Other
This Sunday, Americans will celebrate another Mother’s Day. Since everyone has a mother, it’s an important proposition to honor them. Biblical, too. You know, “honor your father and mother” is one of the Big Ten. 
Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer
Mark Elfstrand, Cultural Affairs Writer

Mark Elfstrand is a Christian husband, father and grandfather. A 40-year radio veteran, Mark has been a drive time air personality in Sacramento, Dallas, Pittsburgh, and Chicago, including WMBI and WYLL. He has also served in various ministry leadership positions. His current endeavors can be found at

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