Dominant Media Fails In Its Duty To Report On DCFS: Horror Stories Abound
By   |   11.02.09
A little over a year ago, I wrote a column regarding the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services’ (DCFS) supposed confidential hotline.  The DCFS hotline itself was a means by which Illinois citizens could report cases of child abuse...
Progressives Look to Dan Rather for Salvation
By   |   09.16.09
Of course, it is past due for our media to start the investigation of Obama that they should have launched during the Democratic primaries and the general election campaign. If you want some indication of the disarray that the “progressives”...
Media Feeling Financial Crunch: Management Looks For Ways To Diversify In Age Of Internet
By   |   08.04.09
Earlier this year, it was revealed that a number of American newspapers were either greatly downsizing, solely publishing on the Internet, or completely going out of business.  [IFI Media Watch, 04/02/09:  Local and National Newspapers in Deep Financial Troubles: Is...
Health Care Reform, Cap & Trade: Media Must Do Better Job Of Informing Americans About Landmark Bills
By   |   07.04.09
In a democratic republic, good governance is dependent upon an informed citizenry. This is more than a clever saying or catchy motto. The Constitution’s framers gave special consideration to the press in the First Amendment. The Founding Fathers did this...
After Obama’s Flowery Speech At Notre Dame, Pro-Life Issue Wins the Day–Despite Media Spin
By   |   06.20.09
After Barack Obama’s controversial visit to the University of Notre Dame where he gave the commencement speech to the graduating class of 2009, many in the mainstream media believed the President won the day.  Mr. Obama’s flowery words calling for...
After Obama’s Flowery Speech At Notre Dame, Pro-Life Issue Wins the Day
By   |   06.20.09
After Barack Obama’s controversial visit to the University of Notre Dame where he gave the commencement speech to the graduating class of 2009, many in the mainstream media believed the President won the day.  Mr. Obama’s flowery words calling for...
CBS Gives Free Pass to David Letterman for Crude Jokes About Gov. Palin’s Daughter
By David E. Smith   |   06.12.09
The television broadcast giant CBS should take severe action against David Letterman for several crude sexual jokes he made recently on CBS’ “The Late Show” about Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin and her teenage daughter. According to a Fox News report,...
Illinois Family Institute In Front Lines Defending Pro-Family Values: The Danger Is Very Real
By   |   05.14.09
For years, traditional Catholics and Evangelical Christians have been under a withering attack from the mainstream media.  Those who take their faith seriously are usually depicted as everything from intolerant bigots to Bible-quoting serial killers in movies and television.  Indeed,...
Local and National Newspapers in Deep Financial Troubles: Is Technology or Ideology at Fault?
By   |   04.02.09
It might sound unbelievable, but the days of sipping a cup of coffee and reading the morning newspaper while sitting at the kitchen table or riding a train to work may soon become a thing of the past.  According to...
Media Plays Important Role in Sad State of Illinois Politics
By   |   02.25.09
It was shocking to some, just “business as usual” to others. A governor of Illinois was arrested by federal agents for a litany of charges, including an alleged attempt to sell a U.S. Senate seat. We have gotten to the...
Politicians & Media Pushing To Publicize Return Of American Armed Forces War Dead
By   |   02.11.09
Without exception, the most trying duty of an American President is to send men and women into harm’s way.  Even more emotionally devastating is when a Commander-in-Chief must take responsibility for those who paid the ultimate price while defending U.S....
Family-friendly Films on the Rise in Hollywood
By David E. Smith   |   01.09.09
The Christmas season is a popular time for families to go to the movies. To cash in on this opportunity, Hollywood typically releases a glut of films catering to every ticket-buying demographic. The week of Christmas, the PG-rated Marley &...
A Parting Word on Christmas, the Secretary of State, and the Media
By   |   01.09.09
Just when I thought the insults were over regarding Christmas, Dane Placko of Fox 32 Chicago decided to make a trip to Springfield probably to cover all the turmoil surrounding Governor Rod Blagojevich‘s legal travails.  In a short piece aired...
Do Hate Crime Laws Exclude Christians? It Seems To Be The Case– Or Lack Thereof
By   |   12.08.08
Perhaps you missed it, after all, there was that story about Tiger being in the proverbial woods regarding a late night Thanksgiving crash.  The story about this world famous golfer and his possible extramarital affairs have filled the airwaves to...
Intolerant State Journal-Register Publishes Anti-Family (Anti-Natural Marriage) Cartoon Again
By David E. Smith   |   05.20.08
With the recent Oligarchic decision in California to overturn that state’s ban on homosexual marriage, the State Journal-Register again revealed their radical bias, hypocrisy and outright intolerance toward people of faith. The Springfield State Journal-Register (SJ-R) owes an apology to...
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