40 Days for Life in 2020
Prayer, fasting, church outreach, and PEACEFUL PRAYING outside abortion clinics are powerful in helping to save lives and—we hope and pray—in ending abortion.
Homeschooling: What in the World is Going On?
By David E. Smith   |   07.31.20
Christian parents, grandparents and church leaders must seriously consider other options for their students and make the move away from government schools. The prevalence of perversion, subversion, and indoctrination are becoming more prevalent, and in order to protect the hearts and minds of our children, it is wise to consider other education options.
Here is part one of the video of the presenters from the BFM rally. The speakers include the Master of Ceremonies Dr. Eric Wallace, Pastor Arthur Guice, Dr. Richard Mantoan, Pastor Ceasar LeFlore, IL Second Congressional Candidate Theresa Rayborn, and...
Religious Activities and COVID-19
If the Governor’s Order prohibiting gatherings of more than 50 people in a room, or his subsequent “stay at home” order, has resulted in embers of your church being unable to worship; typical events like funerals, marriages, baptisms being unable to proceed; or substantial financial losses due to decline in donations‍ and if you sincerely believe that restarting in-person church meetings is essential to your church’s ministry, we would like to talk to you about filing a law suit on your behalf.
Statewide Day of Prayer
By David E. Smith   |   04.24.20
Most Christians believe in the power of prayer, but, unfortunately, many fail to utilize it as often as they should. And how can that be when God tells us that our prayers are powerful and effective? (The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. ~James 5:16)
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