Counter Planned Parenthood’s Push to Repeal the Parental Notice of Abortion Act!
By David E. Smith   |   05.30.21
With just hours to go in the 2021 Spring legislative session, pro-abortion radicals are ramping up the pressure in an attempt to repeal our Parental Notice of Abortion Act. On Friday afternoon they sent an urgent message to their subscribers. Ironically, on that same day, the Chicago Tribune reported a 10 percent increase of abortions in Illinois, saying that while "the majority of these women resided in Illinois, more than 7,500 women came from other states to have an abortion in Illinois in 2019..."
Apprise your U.S. Senator of your feelings about the “Equality Act”! Find their contact information here:
$2 for $1 Matching Challenge!
Not only do we have a group of great donors who are putting for an year-end $2 for $1 matching challenge, Dr. Erwin Lutzer has offered an additional incentive for those who step up to give $50 or more in the last two weeks of the year. His new book “We Will Not Be Silenced: Responding Courageously to Our Culture’s Assault on Christianity” was released last month, and like his other books, will sure to bless you and your like-minded friends and family.
Illinois, and Chicago specifically, is known for its election corruption. Carol Davis, with the Illinois Conservative Union, has spoken on election integrity issues for years. She weighs in on the most recent presidential election and how we can secure future...
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