Tag Archives: Tyra Banks
Temporal and Eternal Fires
As I write this, these were the latest numbers of the devastation from the California wildfires. It will only get worse. Total emergency responses: 34,354. Total wildfires: 227. (You read that right.) Acres burned: 40,687. Fatalities: 28. Structures destroyed: 15,798.
Posted in Faith, Federal
Tagged Anna Faris, Billy Crystal, California wildfires, Cameron Mathison, Cary Elwes, Donald Trump, fire, Franklin Graham, Heidi Montag, Joe Rogan, Jon Voight, Joshua Jackson, Mandy Moore, Mel Gibson, Nathan Hochman, Neil Young, Paris Hilton, Ricki Lake, Spencer Pratt, Sylvester Stallone, Tyra Banks
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Newsweek Courageously Warns that Sex-Change Surgery Might Just Destroy Your Life
As the social media giants continue to crack down on those who violate their trans-activist talking points (see here and here), another perspective has been raised from an unexpected source. I’m talking about a powerful, deeply moving article posted in Newsweek and titled, “We Need Balance When It Comes To Gender Dysphoric Kids. I Would Know.”
Posted in Media Watch, Sexuality
Tagged Abigail Shrier, Amazon, Gender Dyphoria, Laura Perry, Newgent, Newsweek, Scott Newgent, SexChangeRegret, The Economist, The Sunday Times, The Times, Trans ideology, transgender, Tyra Banks, Walt Heyer
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