Tag Archives: tampons

Free Tampons in Lake Forest Middle School Boys’ Bathrooms

If you need evidence that Illinois lawmakers have plumbed the depth of idiocy and that public schools are no longer fit places for boys or girls, look no further than Deerpath Middle School in the North Shore’s tony suburb of Lake Forest where the boys’ bathrooms are now equipped with free feminine hygiene products. And folks, you paid for them.

What’s worse, leftist lawmakers concocted the bill that Governor J. B. Pritzker signed into law that requires every boys’ bathroom in every Illinois public school that serves grades 4 on up to provide free feminine hygiene products—at taxpayer expense. This …

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Tampons in Boys’ Bathrooms in Illinois Public Schools

A sure sign that leftist lawmakers in Springfield are obsessively driven by the desire to use government money and power to advance an absurd, science-denying ideology is House Bill 922  sponsored by State Representative Linda Chapa LaVia (D-Aurora) that, if passed, will require every public middle and high school in the state to make tampons and sanitary napkins available for free in every boys’ bathroom.

You read that right. Every middle and high school in the state will have to add feminine hygiene dispensers to every boys’ restroom for all the menstruating boys. #AnotherUnfundedMandate.

“What ho?!” you may be …

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