Tag Archives: sexual revolution

Polyamory and the ‘Next Sexual Revolution’ That Has Been Here for Years

Has polyamory become more acceptable to more Americans? A 2023 Pew Research poll reports 50% of Americans say open marriages "are somewhat or completely unacceptable. This includes 37% who say these marriages are completely unacceptable and 13% who say they’re somewhat unacceptable."
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Solving Manufactured Problems?

Does it ever seem if the cultural left's calls to action are often aimed at problems that seem—at least somewhat—manufactured? Does it seem almost as if, in a world that isn't run their way, we wouldn't have to face the kinds of issues that they’re trying to fix?
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, next gen, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Solving Manufactured Problems?

Being Proactive: Abstinence & Marriage

The pro-life movement is rightly focused on preventing abortions. Sometimes this leads us to gloss over root causes. But – what is the driving factor behind a lot of abortions? And is there something we can do to address it? Enter Scott Phelps, the Executive Director of A&M Partnerships. His approach to the pro-life battle is entirely different, borne from a desire to do something to “save the babies,” plus a series of curious events (which in my humble opinion, could be taken as the Lord’s direction).
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture, Media Watch, next gen, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , | Comments Off on Being Proactive: Abstinence & Marriage