Tag Archives: Satan

After School Satan Clubs – Has God Indeed Said?

Genesis 3 is part of the historical and foundation record of God’s Word. It is not a myth or fantastic story, but rather part of the amazing record God has given so that we might understand the world as it was first created as well as how that world has been spoiled by man’s sin and rebellion.
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Hail Satan?

It seems like Satan is getting a lot of “positive nods” in the last couple of months.  In December, the Secretary of State’s office at the Illinois Capital in Springfield allowed the Satanic Temple in Chicago to add a monument, which was placed next to the Nativity Scene for Christmas and the Menorah to mark Hanukkah.
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The Dark Forces Behind the Transgender Revolution

Long-time conservative activist Cliff Kincaid recently interviewed Liberty Counsel’s Mary E. McAlister. They covered a lot of important ground in a little over 30 minutes. Here is the intro to the video interview (see below):

Mary McAlister of Liberty Counsel discusses the Soros-backed transgender revolution in America, including its “progress” under former President Obama and what President Trump is doing to reverse the damage to our nation and our families.

Transgenders, including children forced to undergo these medical procedures and experiments, suffer genital mutilation, become sterile, and have a high suicide rate.

McAlister and host Cliff Kincaid also address

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