Tag Archives: Richard Weaver

How Modern Education Has Destroyed the Next Generation’s Soul

Hardly a day goes by that you don’t hear the question: How did we get in this mess?  Where did this lunacy come from, and how did it all happen so quickly?  Well, let’s play a game. Let’s play “imagine.” 
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No Surprise, Leftists Want to Fight Dirty

 "Progressives" control academia, government schools, the mainstream press, professional medical and mental health organizations, the arts, and are infiltrating even churches. And now they seek absolute control over the judiciary through “court-packing.” They want constitutional revisionists to dominate the Supreme Court even if that means expanding the number of Justices. And some of them openly share their reasons for this proposal, thus exposing the brazenness of their tyrannical quest to transform America into a totalizing and totalitarian “progressive” dystopia.
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Scary Mommy and Selfish Daddy

The parenting blogger "Scary Mommy" and her husband—who have three young children—are divorcing. The proximate cause of their divorce is his homoerotic desire. The ultimate cause is rebellion against God. Scary Mommy, Jill Smokler, and her husband Jeff have been married for 17 years. In a recent interview Jeff describes his love for Jill...
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