Tag Archives: rape
Would You Do This to a Two-Year-Old? Part 2
Last time, we discussed the reason why you cannot be "pro-life except for rape and incest." This is because, if you believe that circumstances of conception can be more significant than the innate value of the baby's life, then you really do not value the baby's life according to its true nature. Life is an inestimably valuable gift from God.
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life
Tagged Abortion, Greg Koukl, incest, pro-abortion, Pro-Choice, Pro-Life, rape
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“Against Abortion Except for Rape/Incest?” Part 1
As I’ve worked in pro-life ministry and talked with many people about abortion, I've noticed that the basic positions on the matter tend to fall into three main groups. On one side, I hear shouts of "my body, my choice!" and "abortion is healthcare!"
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Sanctity of Life
Tagged Abortion, incest, Marriage, rape
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Federal Judge Envisions ‘Rape License’ for ‘Right to Rape’
Judge Richard Posner, a federal judge with the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals, recently become a hero to the pro-”gay marriage” left when, by way of a “legal analysis” free from the troublesome constraints of logic, case precedent, biology, tradition and reality in general, he managed to somehow divine a long-hidden constitutional “right” for two dudes to get “married.” “How can tradition be a reason for anything?” an incredulous Posner demanded last month of attorneys defending marriage protection amendments in both Wisconsin and Indiana.
It would seem that Posner’s contempt for tradition extends to all things sexual, up to …
Posted in Marriage/Family/Culture
Tagged Alfred Kinsey, rape, Richard Posner
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