Tag Archives: Paul Johnson
The Need for a New Great Awakening
Repentance and revival is America’s only real hope. Christians must ask God to forgive our nation for our open rebellion, confess our nationals sins, our unwillingness to die to self and start living bold lives for Christ. We're called to overcome evil with good, teach the nations to observe all that Christ teaches us, and raise godly children. It is high time we get to it.
Posted in Faith
Tagged Aslan, Ben Franklin, C.S. Lewis, CBN News, D. James Kennedy, First Great Awakening, George Whitefield, John Adams, Jonathan Edwards, Paul Johnson, Revival, Sarah Edwards, The Second Great Awakening, Tonya Prewett
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Is It a Sin Not to Vote?
Founding father Samuel Adams once said, “Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote…that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country.”
Posted in Faith
Tagged Alveda King, D. James Kennedy, election, Everett Piper, Francis Higginson, Gary Bauer, George Bancroft, Harry Jackson, MLK, Paul Johnson, Samuel Adams, Samuel Skelton, Voting
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Don’t Give Up!
Does voting matter anymore? Does it really matter whether I contact my elected representatives? You probably have considered these questions many times.
Paul Johnson, in his excellent book Modern Times, recounts the 1960 Presidential election where John F. Kennedy squeezed out a victory over Richard M. Nixon. Kennedy supposedly won by only 120,000 votes out of nearly 69 million total votes cast. This victory was clouded by questions concerning the vote count in Alabama and in Illinois, thanks to the Daley machine.
Johnson states that Nixon did not challenge the result of the election because he thought …
Posted in Faith
Tagged David Perdue, John F. Kennedy, Jon Ossoff, Kelly Loeffler, Paul Johnson, Raphael Warnock, Richard M. Nixon
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Relativity, Moral Relativism, and the Modern Age
Moral relativism and the rejection of absolute truth now shape the modern post-Christian mind. Indeed, relativism is virtually taken for granted, at least as an excuse for overthrowing theistic truth claims and any restrictive morality.
Posted in Faith
Tagged Albert Einstein, Allan Bloom, Paul Johnson, Walter Isaacson
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