Tag Archives: National Organization for Women

A Final Salute To A Pro-Life Champion

Joe Scheidler, sometimes referred to as the “godfather of pro-life activism,” was laid to rest earlier this week. He passed away on Monday, January 18th at his home. He was 93 years old.
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Super Bowl Ad Exposes NOW’s Anti-Christian Bigotry

“It is amazing to watch the venom and hatred that is being directed at Tim and Pam Tebow and Focus on the Family by the National Organization of Women (NOW) for a Super Bowl ad that they have not seen,” said Dr. Gary Cass of the Christian Anti-Defamation Commission. “This backlash exposes the irrational hatred of NOW who apparently despises any hint of a positive Christian message. CBS is to be commended for their willingness to not censor a wonderful story of a mother’s courage and love.”

Tim Tebow is a Heisman-winning, University of Florida quarterback and NFL prospect. The …

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