Tag Archives: Mike Flannery

State’s Attorney Kenneally Explains His Opposition to Legal Weed in Illinois

Are elected officials in Springfield willing to approve legislation for "recreational" marijuana to resolve decades of mismanagement of state funds? Are Illinois political leaders willing to compete with organized crime and cartel bosses to become Illinois’ new drug lords?
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Fox News Chicago’s Bias Evident in “Civil Unions” Segment

Story link: MyFoxCHICAGO.com (The video has been moved to Fox’s archives)

This “news” report from Chicago Fox News is typical of how the bias of the dominant media trumps journalistic objectivity and balance. While I think Fox’s Political Editor, Mike Flannery has some good political insights and I am sure he is a nice enough fellow personally, the segment above is indicative of how the media play to one side of a debate instead of remaining neutral.

To his credit, Flannery interviews our good friend and pro-family attorney Peter Breen of the Thomas More Society. But notice that Flannery …

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