Tag Archives: Leviticus

Speak Out Against Mildew

The Mosaic law is one giant picture book. Turn to almost any page and you'll find imagery teaching you about God. You'll find specifications for the priesthood illustrating Christ's mediation and showing how holy God is. You'll find records of the Israelites' many blunders into sin that show us just how serious our own blunders are.
Posted in Child Exploitation, CRT/Racism/BLM, Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, next gen, Religious Liberty, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Speak Out Against Mildew

Eric Zorn & Homosexuality-Affirming “Ally Week” at St. Charles North High School

In early November 2010, suburban St. Charles North High School became embroiled in a controversy during yet another public school event designed to affirm homosexuality.

In response to “Ally Week,” a pro-homosexual week sponsored by the Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network (GLSEN), three students wore t-shirts that said “Straight Pride” on the front and had a verse from Leviticus on the back that read, “If a man lay with a male as those who lay with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination and shall surely be put to death.”

Administrators asked the students to cross out …

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