Tag Archives: John Kirkwood

SpeakOut Illinois: An Invitation to Attend Our State’s Premiere Pro-Life Conference

You can get more involved by attending SpeakOut Illinois 2018, the state’s “premiere pro-life conference.” The event is on Saturday, March 10th, ten days before the primary election, and sponsored by the SpeakOut Illinois Coalition, “a group of pro-life and pro-family groups dedicated to fighting for the good of the family and the right to life for all people from conception to natural death.”
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Easter: In the Eyes of An Angel

The Passion Week of Jesus Christ is the pinnacle of all history. Millions of words have been written about it, dozens of movies have offered a depiction, and it’s been a central figure for the artist for 2,000 years. Scripture is replete with its description, giving a glimpse of the crucifixion from just about everyone’s perspective. The view of the Father is alluded to in Genesis 22, the view of the Son from Psalms 22, the view of Israel from Isaiah 53, and the view of the prophets throughout the Old Testament.
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