Tag Archives: Invitro Fertilization

Only God Should Play God, Part 3

In our last piece, we continued our series on the troubling moral consequences of various forms of artificial reproduction technology. From the death of hordes of innocent human embryos to the violation of the sacred marriage commitment, the picture doesn't look pretty when man tries to play God. But we're not done yet. Let's look at a couple more implications of this vicious technological trend.
Posted in Child Exploitation, Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, next gen, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , | Comments Off on Only God Should Play God, Part 3

Only God Should Play God, Part 2

Last time, we discussed several moral issues that arise when man decides to "play God" in the area of human reproduction. In vitro fertilization always takes innocent life. Embryonic genetic editing tends towards the sad assumption that the mother is the only patient involved, because the embryo is not considered a patient. And efforts to alter a baby's genetics don't have an easy line between "health-related concerns" and flat-out "child enhancement."
Posted in Child Exploitation, Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, next gen, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Only God Should Play God, Part 2

Only God Should Play God, Part 1

The pro-life movement is solidly consolidated in its stance on abortion. And this is for good reason, given how heinous and grievous of a crime abortion is. However, abortion is not the only contemporary issue fundamentally affecting nascent life. One issue on which pro-lifers arguably have less of a consensus involves the medical practices for various forms of artificial reproductive technology.
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