Tag Archives: Hulu

The Public Is Being Primed To Feel Groovy About Psychedelic Drugs

Right now, there is a concerted effort to change the American public’s attitude towards psychedelic drugs. Turn on Netflix, Hulu, or other streaming services, and you’re likely to find shows and documentaries on the usefulness of drugs like LSD (acid), DMT (spirit molecule), MDMA (ecstasy or mollies), and psilocybin (magic mushrooms). These shows are the first public signs that we are being primed to accept the recreational and “prescription” use of psychedelics to solve both our mental and spiritual ills.
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Hulu Promotes Smutty Content to Teens

Do your kids watch Hulu? Are your kids safe when they are watching their favorite TV shows on Hulu? Have your kids signed up to receive emails from Hulu? If so, you should know that Hulu sends out program recommendations that are absolutely inappropriate for all ages. In the last month, my friend’s daughter received one such email recommending that she watch PEN15.
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