Tag Archives: Equitable Restrooms Act

Tampons In Illinois Men’s Rooms? It’s Coming

There are times when it gets wearisome, needing to expose the increasing insanity of the Illinois legislature. This is one of those times. In a piece of legislature that defies biology as well as puts a gigantic burden on every single public business in Illinois, the new House Bill 3093 Amends the Equitable Restrooms Act.
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Illinois Lawmaker’s New Bill Seeks to Eradicate Single-Sex Multiple-Occupancy Public Bathrooms

What will it take for decent, sane Illinoisans to organize and protest the loathsome laws coming out of the un-mucked out stable in Springfield? Maybe this bill will do it.

On Feb. 19, 2021, State Senator Melinda Bush (D-Grayslake) proposed amendment SB 457 to the “Equitable Restrooms Act.” Her amendment is called the “Equitable Restrooms Act—All-Gender,” which offers a hint to its content. This excerpt from her amendment makes clear what Bush wants:

The purpose of this Section is to promote the privacy, safety, and gender inclusivity of all Illinois residents and visitors. …

Any multiple-occupancy restroom may

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