Tag Archives: Dr. Wayne Grudem

How to Pray with Power

Many, if not most (dare I say all of us), who belong to Christ need to pray more. We need to call upon the Lord with confidence that He cares more than we do. He knows more than we do. He has resources far beyond what we have, and He is far more just, wise, loving, and kind than any of us are. Prayer cannot be an afterthought for the believer.
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Dr. Wayne Grudem: The Moral Advantages of a Free-Market System

Many changes have occurred in the past four years, but Dr. Wayne Grudem’s remarks at the 2016 IFI Worldview Conference are as informative and valuable now as they were then.
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Dr. Wayne Grudem on the U.S. Supreme Court and the 2016 Election

Dr. Wayne Grudem says “moral character” still matters as the nation chooses a new President. During an Illinois Family Institute sponsored meeting with faith leaders the renowned theologian and author challenged pastors to let their congregation know that the future of America is at stake and how the nation votes will not only determine who our next President will be, but also the direction of the Supreme Court. New additions to the High Court will likely decide life and religious liberty cases.

With so much on the line do we want a president who lacks moral character?

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February Worldview Event with Dr. Wayne Grudem

Last Chance to Register! Join us for a wonderful opportunity to take enhance your biblical worldview and equip you to more effectively engage the culture. Having an informed and consistent Christian worldview has never been more important than it is now as our culture is rapidly embracing a secular, non-biblical value system.
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