Tag Archives: doxing
Colorado Teacher Bullies Covington Student
Michelle Grissom, a social studies teacher at Mountain Ridge Middle School in Douglas County, Colorado, has been put on leave following her horrendous tweets about a Covington Catholic High School student. In her vindictive and indefensible quest to harm a student by “doxing” him, she mistakenly doxed the wrong student. “Doxing” refers to “searching for and publishing private or identifying information about (a particular individual) on the Internet, typically with malicious intent.”
She attempted to publicly smear Nick Sandmann, the teenage boy whom Native American drummer Nathan Phillips tried to intimidate, but she instead identified Covington student Jay …
Posted in Education
Tagged Covington Catholic High School, doxing, Jay Jackson, John Jackson, Michelle Grissom, Mountain Ridge Middle School, Nathan Phillips, Nick Sandmann
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