Tag Archives: Bethel McGrew

The Mistake by the Lake: Alistair Begg, Public Sins, and the Decay of Evangelicalism

In a recent American Reformer article detailing the decay of doctrine among Evangelicals, the point that generated the most attention by far concerned popular pastor Alistair Begg’s counsel from September of last year in which he advised a woman to attend her grandchild’s transgender “wedding.”
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Don’t Call it Conservatism

With every passing year, it seems we Christian Conservatives find ourselves increasingly in the minority. There might be more of us than we know, but the loudest and best-funded voices are almost exclusively liberal. If we know our Bibles, this shouldn’t come as a shock to us. For many of us who are weary of fighting in relative obscurity, though, there is a real temptation to uncritically align with anything or anyone that seems allied to our purposes.
Posted in Faith, Marriage/Family/Culture, Pornography, Sanctity of Life, Sexuality | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Comments Off on Don’t Call it Conservatism