Tag Archives: 1 Corinthians 6:9-10
Obama Dishonors National Park Service
Summer is the season during which countless parents take their children to visit our magnificent national parks. And this is a special year for our National Park Service in that August 25 marks the 100th anniversary of the day President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill that officially recognized the National Park Service.
During this centennial year, President Barack Obama has decided that what the world needs now is a national park dedicated to sexual deviance. In his unbiblical belief that homoeroticism is something to be publicly celebrated, on June 24 President Obama proclaimed that the 1969 Stonewall riot that …
Obama Dishonors National Park Service
Summer is the season during which countless parents take their children to visit our magnificent national parks. And this is a special year for our National Park Service in that August 25 marks the 100th anniversary of the day President Woodrow Wilson signed the bill that officially recognized the National Park Service.
During this centennial year, President Barack Obama has decided that what the world needs now is a national park dedicated to sexual deviance. In his unbiblical belief that homoeroticism is something to be publicly celebrated, on June 24 President Obama proclaimed that the 1969 Stonewall riot that …