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Laurie’s Chinwags are podcasts of her articles and are part of our new effort to provide IFI subscribers with another way to access information and ideas. We will be making these podcasts available for her new articles as well as select articles from the past on topics of pressing importance. The primary focus of these podcasts is sexuality, particularly how leftist views of sexuality harm the public good.

Laurie examines the flaws in the specious secular arguments used to normalize homosexuality and “gender” confusion and which confuse, deceive, and even persuade Americans. She looks at how these flawed arguments harm individuals, families, marriage, and education. We call these discussions “chinwags” in the hope that listeners will figuratively chat with Laurie as they listen and later will literally chat with neighbors, co-workers, lawmakers, church leaders, friends, and family members on these topics.


Once upon a time, I held a naïve hope that public education could be pried loose from the iron grip of self-righteous, presumptuous, intolerant, diversity-loathing, illiberal, idea-banning, bullying leftists fluent in Newspeak. That was then. This is now. Now I...
Wheaton College, once one of the finest Christian colleges in the country, proves yet again that evangelicalism has been corrupted by anti-biblical worldviews. Recently, during a question-and-answer time following chapel, Wheaton College president, Philip Ryken, was asked if Wheaton teaches...
HB 4626 is both a harebrained and destructive bill that seeks to further the agenda of the “trans” cult by erasing language references to biological sex. It’s most particularly dangerous and insulting to women. If passed, this bill will change...
Who’d a thunk there was any connection between Joe Biden’s uber-creepy new nuclear waste disposal expert Sam Brinton and Illinois State Representative Sam Yingling (D-Round Lake Beach) other than their first names? As it happens, there is. But first some...
Remember when homosexuals told us all they wanted was to be free to do what they wanted in the privacy of their bedrooms? Or perhaps you remember the later incarnation of that whopper, when they said they sought only tolerance....
Illinoisans who are struggling to make ends meet as the Democrat-ruled state teeters on the knife edge of insolvency and whose children are suffering grievously from social isolation and missed milestones that can never be recovered have been waiting for...
Many cultural critics argued that widespread approval of homoerotic acts and the legal revision of marriage to include non-marital relationships would inevitably lead to the erasure of other cultural taboos, specifically, taboos against plural relationships, consensual adult incest, and adult-minor...
For over half a century, theologically orthodox Christians in America have been woefully late and buckets of ducats short when it comes to cultural degradation. Most seem to have no ability to read portents, and they stubbornly refuse to heed...
It’s hard to fathom that for some people, facilitating human slaughter is the animating purpose of their lives. For some, ensuring that women are legally free to slaughter their own offspring is what gives their lives meaning. And unfortunately, many...
It’s astonishing that America’s first freedom—the most fundamental of all constitutionally protected rights—is threatened by cross-dressers and others in bondage to disorders related to sexuality. That which has made America great—a beacon of light to oppressed peoples around the world—is...
If you need evidence that Illinois lawmakers have plumbed the depth of idiocy and that public schools are no longer fit places for boys or girls look no further than Deerpath Middle School in the North Shore’s tony suburb of...
Leftists seek to destroy every created thing that emerges from or depends on the real and foundational distinctions between males and females. Eradicating all distinctions between males and females entails socially constructing a false understanding of marriage. It entails distorting...
The Facebook Overlords have finally released me from yet another 30-day prison sentence for expressing views “progressives” don’t like. You know who I’m talking about. “Progressives” are those freedom-loving tyrants who proclaim from their high horses how deeply they honor...
For those who for years have been battling critical race theory-infused and sexually deviant material in public schools with little help from their friends, recent developments offer a smidge of hope. I began opposing both types of resources in about...
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