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Laurie’s Chinwags are podcasts of her articles and are part of our new effort to provide IFI subscribers with another way to access information and ideas. We will be making these podcasts available for her new articles as well as select articles from the past on topics of pressing importance. The primary focus of these podcasts is sexuality, particularly how leftist views of sexuality harm the public good.

Laurie examines the flaws in the specious secular arguments used to normalize homosexuality and “gender” confusion and which confuse, deceive, and even persuade Americans. She looks at how these flawed arguments harm individuals, families, marriage, and education. We call these discussions “chinwags” in the hope that listeners will figuratively chat with Laurie as they listen and later will literally chat with neighbors, co-workers, lawmakers, church leaders, friends, and family members on these topics.


By now many Americans have learned what slimy, deceitful hypocrites California governor Gavin Newsom and his wealthy, well-connected friends are. In a stunning act of arrogant “do what I say, not what I do, PEONS,” he and his privileged co-scofflaws...
One of the more grotesque demonstrations of leftist non-sense and hypocrisy was demonstrated a week ago following an episode of the wildly popular Disney show The Mandalorian when “Baby Yoda” eats the unfertilized eggs of a Frog Woman who is...
Conservative parents with kids in Illinois public schools, WAKE UP! Leftists on the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and in Springfield aren’t anywhere near done with their indoctrination mandates. A new amendment to Illinois State Board of Education teacher...
Here are a few of California Governor Gavin Newsom’s mostly tyrannical Thanksgiving “Mandatory Requirements for All Gatherings”: All persons planning to host or participate in a private gathering … must comply with the following requirements. … Gatherings that include more...
Here’s a story of actual racial injustice that happened in a liberal North Shore school district: District 113. As you read this, imagine if the Hispanic community in Highland Park and Highwood, Illinois knew this story. In 2007, District 113,...
Written by Laurie Higgins Illinois’ feckless U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth opposes the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett to the U. S. Supreme Court because Barrett signed a 2006 newspaper ad sponsored by an Indiana pro-life organization that said, We, the...
In June 2020, Kennedy Mitchum, a 22-year-old graduate of Drake University, needed a way to call non-racists “racists,” so she emailed Merriam-Webster Dictionary to tell them to change the definition of “racism” in such a way as to enable people...
Videos have been circulating of young bestial thugs—whites and blacks, women and men—shrieking in the faces of al fresco diners, commanding them to raise a fist in solidarity with BLM/Antifa totalitarians. To leftists nothing says freedom quite like coerced performative...
Before anyone gets angry at me for the content of this article, please understand that you have paid for the research I’m about to describe, so don’t shoot the messenger. Two homosexual “researchers” managed to get tax money to survey ...
On July 23, 2020, conservative University of North Carolina professor, Townhall writer, and Christian, Mike Adams, was driven to suicide by the vile and relentless bullying of devotees of diversity and teachers of tolerance who fancy themselves “progressive.” They were...
Before you read this, you might want to have a fire extinguisher at the ready, because this news just may light your hair on fire. State Representative La Shawn K. Ford (D-Chicago) held a press conference on Sunday in which...
Twelve years ago when I was a member of the English Department at Deerfield High School on Chicago’s North Shore working full-time in the writing center, teachers Elliot Hurtig and Jeff Berger-White were teaching the repugnant play Angels in America:...
Christ has already won. It’s interesting that leftists have adopted BCE and CE in order to no longer refer to Christ. No matter, Christ still wins. In the meantime, the devil roams the earth lying and destroying. Now, after decades...
In a cowardly effort to lick the jackboots of Black Lives Matter, the NFL is reportedly going to have every NFL game during Week 1 open with the song “Lift Ev’ry Voice and Sing,” long known as the “black national...
In June Medical Services v. Russo, Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts again disappoints conservatives. Roberts voted with the politically “progressive”/morally regressive majority to strike down a Louisiana law requiring abortionists to have hospital privileges within 30 miles of the...
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