Articles by Laurie Higgins
Chicago Tribune Op Ed on Banned Books Week
By Laurie Higgins   |   10.05.11
On Tuesday, John Keilman wrote a lighthearted editorial on last week’s annual dishonest campaign by the American Library Association (ALA) laughably named “Banned Books Week.” His personal story was revelatory. Keilman shared that when he was young, pulp novels with...
DCFS Severs Ties with the Evangelical Child & Family Agency
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.27.11
The public has likely heard that the ironically — or deceptively — named “Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act” has resulted in the state of Illinois engaging in religious discrimination by refusing to renew its contract with Catholic Charities...
Texas School Teacher Violates Student’s Rights
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.23.11
A freshman boy in Ft. Worth, Texas, Dakota Ary, was recently given an in-school suspension and two days out-of-school suspension because he told a classmate that because he’s a Christian, he believes homosexuality is wrong. The German teacher in whose...
IFI Statement on the Repeal of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell
By David E. Smith   |   09.20.11
At midnight on September 20, 2011, the repeal of the policy referred to as “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” (DADT) took effect. At 12:01 a.m. in Vermont, an active duty Navy lieutenant married his partner of eleven years, which means for...
Rabbis Did What Pastors, Priests and Theologians Should Do
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.14.11
Eminent Princeton University law professor and Roman Catholic, Robert George, wrote about the remarkable election of pro-life, pro-family Republican Bob Turner, who won the Congressional seat of the disgraced Anthony Weiner in New York’s 9th Congressional District. This is a...
Psychiatrist States the Obvious: “Chaz” Bono is Not a Man
By Laurie Higgins   |   09.06.11
Here’s a surefire way for unmooring society from morality: attach the word “phobia” to any moral proposition you don’t like and voila this moral proposition becomes a neurosis or worse, hatred. This explains the ubiquity of the demagogic term “homophobia”...
The Southern Poverty Law Center Infiltrates Public Education
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.31.11
Decades ago, summer was the time that necessitated increased parental vigilance. School was the safe place. But the times they have a’changed. Self-righteous “agents of change” stand ready at the schoolhouse door to mold other people’s children into ideological replicas...
Anti-Bullying Law & Task Force (Part II)
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.17.11
Part I of this two-part article about Illinois’ new “enumerated” school anti-bullying law and its attendant Task Force exposed the bias and lack of diversity of the Task Force as well as the troubling recommendations made by it. 106-page Task...
Illinois Anti-Bullying Law & Task Force (Part 1)
By Laurie Higgins   |   08.09.11
Illinois parents may soon begin to taste the diseased fruit of the Illinois “enumerated” anti-bullying act that Governor Quinn signed into law a year ago on the Sunday morning of the Chicago “gay pride” parade at a ceremony at Nettelhorst...
Catholic Charities & Religious Liberty Win Temporary Reprieve
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.12.11
Yesterday, IFI wrote about the decision by the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) to terminate all contracts with Catholic Charities in four Illinois dioceses. There is some good news to report: Sangamon County Circuit Judge John Schmidt ...
DCFS’ Assault on Religious Liberty
By Laurie Higgins   |   07.12.11
On July 8, 2011, Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) director, Erwin McEwen, sent a letter to a Catholic Charities director in which he said that DCFS is denying Catholic Charities foster care and adoption contracts because Catholic...
Christian Apologist Frank Turek Fired for Beliefs
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.30.11
Many Christians are familiar with the apologetic work of Dr. Frank Turek. Many, however, are unaware that he was recently fired by Cisco Systems because of his religious and political beliefs about homosexuality -- beliefs that Dr. Turek did not bring to the workplace.
Hawthorn Middle School’s Disservice to Parents
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.21.11
On Friday, May 27, Hawthorn Middle School North in Vernon Hills organized an in-school field trip titled “CHOICES” (Create Hopeful Opportunities in Children’s Everyday Situations) that included six speakers, two of whom told middle school students that they were homosexual....
Inspiring Speech from Glenbrook North High School Teacher
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.14.11
I can think of no more fitting way to conclude the school year than with excerpts from the retirement speech delivered by retiring Glenbrook North High School social studies teacher, James McPherrin, who is retiring after 33 years of teaching....
Real Intellectual Diversity in Public High Schools
By Laurie Higgins   |   06.08.11
In a May 28, 2011 Wall Street Journal article, Bari Weiss said this about David Mamet, one of America’s foremost contemporary playwrights, who in the last few years has experienced a conversion to political conservatism of sorts. Before he moved...
Laurie Higgins
Cultural Affairs Writer
Laurie Higgins

Laurie Higgins was the Illinois Family Institute’s Cultural Affairs Writer in the fall of 2008 through early 2023. Prior to working for the IFI, Laurie worked full-time for eight years in Deerfield High School’s writing center in Deerfield, Illinois.

Her cultural commentaries have been carried on a number of pro-family websites nationally and internationally, and Laurie has appeared on numerous radio programs across the country. In addition, Laurie has spoken at the Council for National Policy and educational conferences sponsored by the Constitutional Coalition.

She has been married to her husband for forty-four years, and they have four grown children and ten grandchildren.

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