Articles by David E. Smith
Illinois House Rejects “Medical” Marijuana Bill
By David E. Smith   |   01.06.11
How did they vote? For a second time in the past few weeks, lawmakers in the Illinois House of Representatives reject a bill to legalize “medical” marijuana, this time by a vote of 56 YES and 60 NO. Thanks in...
Act Now to Stop A Massive Expansion of Gambling
By David E. Smith   |   01.03.11
Lame Duck legislative session resumes in Springfield… Illinois state lawmakers are returning to Springfield for another 8 days to finish off the 96th General Assembly Session. Since this legislative session includes lame duck lawmakers, including retiring and defeated members, anything...
Are “Death Panels” Back in Obama’s Government Health Care?
By David E. Smith   |   01.03.11
According to the New York Times, the infamous “death panels” that were removed from President Barack Obama’s final 2,000+ page Government Health Care bill have been revived stealthily by government bureaucrats. The restoration of these “death panels” is coming in...
Congress Votes to Reshape American Military Culture
By David E. Smith   |   01.03.11
The United States Congress delivered a most unwelcome Christmas gift to the U.S. military when it voted to open the ranks of America’s Armed Forces to active homosexuals. The lame-duck session of Congress voted to repeal a federal law adopted...
IFI Appalled by the Lame Duck Congress Vote to Repeal “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell”
By David E. Smith   |   12.20.10
Congress votes undermine the troops by pandering to the radical Left and their social agenda… Illinois Family Institute is appalled by the lame duck Congress — including our own U.S. Senators Dick Durbin and Mark Kirk for their vote to...
Congressmen Urge President to Acknowledge America’s Heritage
By David E. Smith   |   12.13.10
Illinois U.S. Representatives Don Manzullo and Peter Roskam and 40 of their colleagues in Congress are calling on President Barack Obama to acknowledge America’s Godly heritage. Manzullo and Roskam co-signed a letter asking President Obama to correct remarks he recently...
Maine Reporter Fired for Personal Email About Question 1
By David E. Smith   |   12.10.10
According to, a veteran newspaper reporter from Maine was terminated from his 19-year position for sending a personal email rebutting a homosexual group’s defamation of supporters of Question 1, Maine’s ballot initiative that repealed same-sex “marriage” last month. Larry...
Will the “Lame Duck” Congress Destroy Military’s Morality?
By David E. Smith   |   12.06.10
The rush to repeal the 1993 law stating that homosexuals are not eligible to serve in the military, sometimes erroneously referred to by the Executive Order of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” would change our military in ways we cannot yet...
Manhattan Declaration App Pulled by Apple
By David E. Smith   |   12.06.10
Last week Apple removed the Manhattan Declaration iPhone/iPad application from the iTunes Store. This was apparently done in response to small, but vocal group of people who complained that the declaration amounts to hate speech for its stance against homosexual...
“Civil Unions” (SB 1716) Passes in the Senate
By David E. Smith   |   12.01.10
How did they vote? Thirty-two state senators vote to pass same-sex “civil unions” legislation. Homosexual activists mustered enough votes to legalize a new category of marriage — homosexual “marriage” — under the name “civil unions” early Wednesday afternoon. Illinois Governor ...
Civil Unions Bill Passes in Illinois General Assembly
By David E. Smith   |   12.01.10
Both the Illinois House of Representatives and Senate have passed the “Illinois Religious Freedom Protection and Civil Union Act” commonly known as the “Civil Unions” bill. It now goes to Governor Pat Quinn who made a campaign pledge to sign...
“Civil Unions” (SB 1716) Passes in the House
By David E. Smith   |   11.30.10
How did they vote? Sixty-one state lawmakers in the Illinois House cave into pressure from Gov. Patrick Quinn and Speaker Michael Madigan. Despite an outpouring of calls, emails and faxes against redefining marriage and family, legislators in the Illinois House...
Same-Sex “Civil Unions” May Be Called This Week
By David E. Smith   |   11.28.10
During the first half of the Illinois Veto Session in Springfield (Nov. 16-18), IFI’s two lobbyists and I spoke to dozens of lawmakers about the ramifications of passing same-sex “civil unions” legislation (SB 1716) in Illinois. Many lawmakers are unaware...
Fox News Chicago’s Bias Evident in “Civil Unions” Segment
By David E. Smith   |   11.11.10
Story link: (The video has been moved to Fox’s archives) This “news” report from Chicago Fox News is typical of how the bias of the dominant media trumps journalistic objectivity and balance. While I think Fox’s Political Editor, Mike...
Marriage is “Obsolete”?
By David E. Smith   |   11.11.10
The Pew Research Center recently released a study highlighting rapidly changing views on the American family. About 29 percent of children under 18 now live with a parent or parents who are unwed or no longer married, a fivefold increase...
David E. Smith
Executive Director
David  E. Smith

Dave Smith is the executive director of Illinois Family Institute (501c3) and Illinois Family Action (501c4).

David has 30 years of experience in public policy and grass-roots activism that includes countless interviews for numerous radio, television, cable programs and newspaper articles on topics such as the sanctity of life, natural marriage, broadcast decency, sex education, marijuana, gambling, abortion, homosexuality, tax policy, drug decriminalization and pornography.

He and his wife of 29 years are blessed to be the parents of eight children. They strongly believe that their first duty before God is to disciple their children in the Christian faith, and impress a love of God on their hearts. There is a plethora of research that suggest that parents are the primary influencers in a child’s life. In an ideal world, that’s a mom and dad. Discipleship includes not only studying God’s Word but living a life of faith and walking in obedience to God. Discipleship is also necessary for sound doctrine, love of God and others. We do this in hopes of raising healthy and productive members of society who live to honor God and love their neighbors.

Dave has also served as a precinct committeeman and served as an ordained minister/elder in his local church.

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