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Girl Scout Cookie Sales Undergird Pro-Abortion Agenda
By   |   01.31.14
The Girl Scouts is set to launch its annual cookie sale, but a prominent pro-family/pro-life organization is suggesting the public not purchase them. Over the past several years, Girl Scouts of the USA has lost a large slice of its...
Movie Continues to Change Millions of Minds About Abortion
By   |   01.10.14
Ray Comfort’s short movie 180 continues to influence people to turn away from abortion. 180 is the story of eight people who were all for abortion, but in a matter of minutes or seconds change their views to become pro-life....
Gov’t Seeking to Impose ‘New Belief System’ on Client
By   |   01.10.14
A Colorado baker who declined to bake a cake for a same-gender “wedding” is fighting through an appeal to make sure his constitutionally protected freedoms – as well those of others – aren’t taken away. In the summer of 2012,...
In NY: Saying No to “Gay Wedding” Puts Your Business At Risk
By   |   11.10.13
New York’s homosexual marriage and anti-discrimination laws are already taking a toll on Christian business owners, one of whom is currently before the state’s Human Rights Commission. Robert and Cynthia Gifford own the 100-acre Liberty Ridge Farm, a business in...
Gospel Singer: I Was ‘Asked Not to Attend’ My Own Concert
By   |   08.29.13
Washington, DC, may have violated its own anti-discrimination ordinance in asking an award-winning gospel singer who was delivered from homosexuality not to attend a special event. Donnie McClurkin was to appear at the 50th anniversary of the Martin Luther...
Will Anti-Discrimination Laws Affect Pastors in Future?
By   |   07.27.13
Pastors are supposed to be protected from anti-discrimination laws if they preach against homosexuality or refuse to perform same-gender civil union or marriage ceremonies. That may become a thing of the past at some point in the future. CBN‘s Brody...
Faith Allowed in Illinois Pharmacies
By   |   12.16.12
Pharmacists in Illinois are now permitted to have a conscience, as they can refuse to sell birth control or abortion-causing drugs if it violates their faith.

Mark Rienzi of The Becket Fund for Religious Liberty explains that the battle began...
Planned Parenthood Above the Rules?
By   |   07.11.12
Alliance Defending Freedom, previously the Alliance Defense Fund, has filed suit in federal court against Planned Parenthood of Iowa. The lawsuit claims repeated false, fraudulent or ineligible claims for reimbursements to Medicaid and suggests Planned Parenthood Iowa failed to meet...
General Mills Earns Spot on Boycott List
By   |   07.11.12
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has formally launched a boycott of General Mills for its opposition to Minnesota’s Marriage Protection Amendment. Voters in The North Star State will have a chance in November to vote on a proposed constitutional...
National Day of Prayer: ‘One Nation Under God’
By   |   05.03.12
A spokesman for today's National Day of Prayer tells more about the inspiration for this year's event. Vice Chair John Bornschein points out that American troops are still in harm's way, the economy is weak, and religious freedom is threatened. So Americans are gathering in solidarity to pray for those and other issues. The National Day of Prayer Task Force says it is critical to remain in prayer.
More Inspections = Fewer Unsafe Abortuaries
By   |   04.10.12
With the shutting of a Rockford, Illinois, abortuary that hadn’t been inspected in more than a decade, the Illinois Department of Public Health is “quietly” looking into other clinics. So far, one closed shop before it was even inspected. Dimensions...
Attack, Vandalism Won’t Silence God’s Truth
By   |   10.19.11
Pro-homosexual vandals recently attacked an Illinois Christian academy where Americans for Truth About Homosexuality (AFTAH) was holding a banquet to honor an evangelical Christian leader. Anonymous activists have taken credit for throwing concrete bricks through windows and doors at Christian...
Fall TV Falls Further Into ‘Sex Sells’ Mindset
By   |   09.12.11
According to one group that works to advance truth and virtue in the public square, television viewers should prepare for another season of filth. Matt Philbin, managing editor of the Media Research Center’s Culture and Media Institute (CMI), warns that...
‘Sexting’ – Innocent Behavior or Child Porn?
By   |   06.05.09
An associate professor at York University in Toronto believes “sexting” — youngsters sending nude photos of themselves via cell phone — is not child pornography, and senders shouldn’t be prosecuted. Professor Peter Cumming presented a paper at the 78th Congress...
‘Bisexual’ Teacher Invites Students to Same-Sex Ceremony
By   |   03.27.09
A self-proclaimed bisexual male teacher in New York has invited his seventh-grade students and their parents to witness his commitment ceremony to another man. The New York Times reports 32-year-old Chance Nalley gave slips of paper to his entire seventh-grade...
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