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Rachel Weeping for Her Children — The Massacre in Connecticut
By   |   12.15.12
Thus says the LORD:  “A voice is heard in Ramah, lamentation and bitter weeping. Rachel is weeping for her children; she refuses to be comforted for her children, because they are no more.”[Jeremiah 31:15] It has happened again. This time...
The Ugly American — Sex Trafficking and Our National Humiliation
By   |   05.04.12
The sexual revolution of the last several decades has transformed any public conversation about sex and sexuality. The revolutionaries directed their attention to the dismantling of an entire edifice of sexual morality that had been basically intact for well over...
Learning from Christopher Hitchens
By   |   01.11.12
Lessons Evangelicals Must Not Miss The death of Christopher Hitchens on December 15 was not unexpected, and that seemed only to add to the tragedy.  His fight against cancer had been lived, like almost every other aspect of his colorful...
President Obama and Same-Sex Marriage — The Dance Continues
By   |   01.05.12
Some predictions are rather safe to make. 2012 is almost certain to be a determinative year on the issue of same-sex marriage. Multiple courts appear poised to strike down the Defense of Marriage Act [DOMA] and, even more urgently, the...
Evangelicals and the Gay Moral Revolution
By   |   07.14.11
The Christian church has faced no shortage of challenges in its 2,000-year history. But now it’s facing a challenge that is shaking its foundations: homosexuality. To many onlookers, this seems strange or even tragic. Why can’t Christians just join the...
A Governor, a King, and the Tragedy of Adultery
By   |   07.15.09
The sad spectacle of South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford continues to dominate the headlines as further revelations add one bizarre twist after another to the governor’s tale of adultery, deceit, and the consequences of sin. With every passing day, pressure...
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